Circular Ports Network development and Stakeholders interaction

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Activity 4
Circular Ports Network development and Stakeholders interaction

One of the main objectives of the LOOP-Ports project is to engage ports and stakeholders in discussions about their needs and constraints as well as opportunities and best practices already implemented in ports regarding circular economy, increasing their overall awareness and understanding of the concept. To this end, each partner will involve local/regional stakeholders, expanding the network. Workshops on circular economy showing the main project findings will be held at port level (each partner will carry out at least two workshops in different ports -20 in total-) and at institutional level (e.g. ESPO, Ports State Agencies, regional authorities, etc.- 10 in total-).

The following activities will be implemented:

  • Mapping of stakeholders including Port Authorities, suppliers and other companies which carry out activities within the port (e.g. start-up incubators). Each partner will seek to bring the regional/national stakeholders from their territory into the network.
  • Establishment of links with other related initiatives such as the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform. The aim will be to highlight all the information generated in the project and to share experiences and exchange opinions on circular economy solutions in the port sector.
  • Definition of the structure, organisation, operating regime, scope and services that will be offered by the network.
  • Organisation of internal roundtable discussions on circular economy in each port inviting all the relevant stakeholders. The roundtable discussion will aim at developing a medium and long-term work plan on circular economy within ports. During the project, the organisation of these roundtables will be defined. After the end of the project, they will continue their activity widening their role managing and monitoring the work plan implementation process.

The consortium will collect needs (e.g. requests for improvements, difficulties) and stakeholder expectations to be considered and compiled in the framework of the various activities and topics foreseen during the project. This interaction with stakeholders will be possible through the organisation of the workshops, enabling:

  • Discussion opportunities that arise in the port environment in relation to circular economy as well as the legal, economic, technical and other barriers that prevent or hinder the development of circular economies in the port sector.
  • Identify ideas and agreed solutions applicable to specific port problems;
  • Facilitate the development of synergies between the different actors in the value chains linked to the port activity.

Coordination and
Phone: +34 96 393 94 00
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