Ports circular economy professional education pilot

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Activity 3
Ports circular economy professional education pilot

One of the main objectives of this project is to strengthen skills, knowledge and innovation capacities around circular economy in the port sector.

This activity, led by EIT Climate-KIC, will develop training modules (based on training materials already in use) for professionals working in the port sector willing to incorporate CE into their activities. The format of these training modules will be designed to:

  • Bring together local stakeholders
  • Connect local stakeholders in different EU locations
  • Promote knowledge exchange
  • Provide training on implementing CE models
  • Adapt formats for different audiences (policy makers, business, etc.)

The training format will be set up based on a system innovation approach that will include tools for business design with circular economy principles. Depending on the context, the trainings will aim at:

  • Being able to understand the value of circular economy approaches for ports
  • Being able to apply a system innovation approach
  • Identifying circular economy innovation opportunities between stakeholders of port ecosystems
  • Getting to know tools and methods to conduct circular economy initiatives in ports.

The trainings will follow a learning by doing and blending approach.

These training modules will be adapted to the specific needs of the port sector and will include relevant information from the case studies identified in Activity 1, main recommendations defined in Activity 2, as well as feedback received related to the main concerns expressed by stakeholders during the workshops foreseen in Activity 4.

Finally, the training modules will be piloted in at least 3 EU ports (Denmark, Spain, and Italy).

Coordination and
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